What Thanksgiving Means Today

Thanksgiving is when loved ones get together to appreciate everything they have to be grateful for. But what does that mean?

It’s a time for some people to take stock of the year just gone and all of their successes, both significant and insignificant. For others, it’s a time to think about the people in their lives who have made a positive impact. Others will take the opportunity to express gratitude for having a roof over their heads, food on the table, and a caring support network.

No matter what Thanksgiving means to you, there’s no doubt it’s a particular time of year. So, take a moment this holiday season to consider what you’re thankful for. It might just surprise you.

Why Giving Thanks Is Important

  • Giving thanks is essential because it helps us to appreciate what we have. So often, we take things for granted, but when we stop to think about all the good in our lives, it can be truly eye-opening.
  • Giving thanks also helps us to connect with others. When we express our gratitude, we open the door for others to do the same. And in a world that can be so divisive, this is a crucial thing to do.
  • Finally, giving thanks helps us to focus on the positive. It’s easy to get caught up in all the horrible things occurring in the world, but when we take a moment to express thanks, it allows us to step back and recognize all the beautiful things that are still out there.

How to Express Gratitude Year-Round

How can you keep that gratitude going all year long? Well, here are a few ideas:

  • Write it down: List five things each day for which you are grateful in a gratitude diary. It might be a part of your morning or evening routine.
  • Get creative: Draw, paint, or create something to express gratitude. It could be a picture, a piece of jewelry, a poem—anything that comes from the heart.
  • Do something nice for someone else: Do something good for someone else to “pay it forward.” Complimenting them or picking up their coffee for them could suffice.
  • Show your appreciation: Have you ever shown gratitude to your friends and family? Why not do it today?